Contact Chikukwa/Hangani Groups
There are two Mindfulness centres in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe: Chikukwa and Hangani. Neither of these centres offers residential retreats as they have no accommodation facilities. Both centres do however offer a facility for the people living in the area to gather for meditation practice, celebrations or a short retreat. The centres also double up as a meeting place for the elders and as a venue for community events. The Hangani Centre runs a small pre-school for up to 20 children thanks to financial support from some German sangha members.
A group of women in Chikukwa have begun the Tara Rokpa Therapy process. Tara Rokpa Therapy has a number of modules. Participants first learn to relax, then go on to review their life story with a view to understanding their ways of being and acting in the world. Once the life review is completed participants can continue to work with training the mind. For further information please visit the Tara Rokpa website.
Unique to Chikukwa is the Permaculture Community Centre where permaculture training programmes take place. This centre also provides a platform for Mindfulness to be integrated into Chikukwa community life. In this way the fundamental teachings on compassion and loving kindness are interwoven into the daily lives of the Chikukwa community.
Should you wish to know more about these two centres, please contact Eli Westermann using the contact form on this page.
Address: Chikukwa / Hangani, Chimanimani
Contact: Eli Westermann
Telephone: +263-772-860845
Note that email is checked infrequently due to cost & connectivity challenges in Chimanimani.
Chikukwa & Hangani Centres - Eastern Highlands